Catherine McDiarmid-Watt |
Wednesday, May 22, 2019 |

I am 44 years old with a one-year-old.
It was an amazing pregnancy and birth.
He is perfectly healthy.
He told us about a 47-year-old woman who had just given birth at the hospital where he works.
She and her husband had gone through numerous attempts at IVF [in vitro fertilization] which hadn't been successful and had given up trying a number of years ago.
But last year she fell pregnant naturally, had an easy pregnancy with no complications and last week gave birth to......guess what....twins!!!!
What a wonderful New Year's present!!
I'm 43 years old (44 in January) and am just six weeks pregnant.
I had one failed IVF cycle in April - three follicles but no eggs on EC! Cry
They then changed my meds and in late July I went for EC [early cleavage], again with just three follicles (talk about a feeling of deja vu!!)
This time though they got three eggs and 100% fertilization with ICSI [Intracytoplasmic sperm injection].
Two weeks later I got a big fat positive!
Our first scan is on Tuesday - fingers crossed everything is OK.
I'm doing pregnancy tests every two-three days as that is the only way I'm keeping sane at the moment!
It can happen, I have no idea why everything has turned out like this so far but I'm just praying it continues.
I just wish I could find out why it's worked so far for me and could give you some tips
Instead, all I can do is sending you out as many positive vibes as possible
I'm 44 years old and started trying for a child just after my 42nd birthday.
First attempt got pregnant but had severe problems, baby not well (dying and with chromosomal problems) so had to terminate at 13 weeks.
Then got pregnant again a few months after and miscarried at 12 weeks.
Then, no success.
I was just about to give up, move on, etc. - so had a holiday, chilled out a bit, tried to stop it taking too much hold on my life.
The shock of my life last week after my holiday - I was feeling really strange, went off alcohol, sore boobs, funny feelings, so bought an HPT [home pregnancy test] and I'm pregnant (naturally!!!!).
Was in shock - so I'm now sat at home trying not to worry or even move too much!
Did blood test on Monday - shows very high HCG [Human chorionic gonadotropin] levels, did another on Wednesday and now waiting for results.
Very worried (on the doctor's computer screen it said ABNORMAL HCG levels!), but pregnant.
So yes - 43/44 years old can succeed in pregnancy, and I'm hoping it will go to full term :-)
Got married for first time at 43 years old, starting TTC [trying to conceive] immediately.
After 12 months went for help and had two rounds of IVF [in vitro fertilization] last year.
First 3 eggs, all fertilised but BFN [big fat negative]!
Started second a month later but terrible response and converted to IUI [intrauterine insemination] - BFN.
Told eggs old and wrinkly at the review when I was then 45 years old.
So advised to go Donor Egg route or try for our own miracle.
Had started doing Chinese herbs with acupuncture, and within 3 months had first BFP [big fat positive] in January, but it only lasted for a few days.
Kept taking herbs, etc. doing yoga and Pilates and got next BFP on March 6th - currently, I am 35+ weeks pregnant with my first baby and I will be 46 years old in November.
Little one being induced end of the month.
It can happen - just keep tweaking your odds, and it may be you.
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Thank you so much for sharing! That is so cool, congrats!
congratulations! Good to see success. we too are trying with a local ivf clinic at the ages of 45 and 47!
Congratulations to your friend. At that age, it's difficult to get pregnant. It's really a miracle happened to your friend's life.